Agreement on Norwegian-Russian Fisheries (2010; Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs)
In 2010 Norway and Russia collaborated on and began an agreement concerning fish stock in the Berents Sea. The agreement looks specifically at the commercial fishing quotas for cod and haddock. The agreement contains over 30 years of data collaboration to ensure biologists were able to set ‘reasonable’ quotas for the area. Additionally, the agreement contains an allocation formula for poundage quotas of Greenland halibut. The group also discussed mesh sizes and restrictions for the trawling fleet in the area.
The U.S-Russia Polar Bear Agreement
In October of 2000 Russia and the U.S signed in an agreement concerning annual harvest limits of polar bears. The agreement calls for indigenous involvement from both countries, and gives indigenous people in Chukotka and Alaska to veto any decision that goes against the treaties interests. The joint-effort of polar bear conservation will require biological data collection, and contains protections for females with cubs, and also for cubs younger than 1 year old.